Nourish Your Soul

You are what you consume. Since I committed to my writing journey, I've actively sought out ways to expand my horizons and think outside the box.


Are you aware that good food gives us strength and helps us grow? In similar vein our soul and mind need nourishment to thrive. What kind of food? Good books, inspirational podcasts, movies, songs, and words of affirmation.

We gradually become what we consume, which is why we should be mindful of how we spend our time and what we feed our soul and mind.

I often hear people say they lack motivation to keep up with their passions. It's completely normal; as humans, we can get tired of doing the same thing repeatedly. So, what can help? Trying the same thing in a different way. How can you get inspired? Try a different approach by exploring.

One thing that helped me keep my 365-day writing streak last year was reading a lot. Reading exposes you to different cultures, new insights, and makes your thinking ability expansive.

Some people find reading quite tiring, that's okay. But have you also considered using the audio option for an e-book? How about listening to podcasts or joining spaces on X that resonate with you? Do you try to hold meaningful conversations with people from different racial background to get insight into the world outside?

It all begins with you. Nourish your soul and watch how you'll excel. Additionally, don't be afraid to venture out of your comfort zone and explore new horizons. Try your hand at other writing genres too.

How much do you believe in yourself? Nobody is born an expert in what they do. They hone their skill gradually before they got to this point where they confidently say "i'm now an expert." If you put in the work to grow, you'll see the results and it will bring you happiness than you've ever known.

To anyone feeling uncertain or doubtful, I want to offer some encouragement. You are capable of achieving anything you set your heart to. Obstacles may weaken you, but if you look beyond them, they can become a driving force to push forward, rather than a reason to give up.

Although this post specifically discusses writing, its message can be applied to any aspect of life. Take time to nourish your soul and speak positivity into your existence, you'll be amazed at how you'll flourish.

Every successful person has a story to tell – one of trials and failures, of moments when they almost gave up, and of people who doubted their abilities. Yet, despite these obstacles, they persevered. What drove them forward? Consistency, hard work, and an unwavering determination to succeed.

I hope their stories motivate you to keep pushing forward and exploring new horizons, because it's the variety in life that makes it truly worthwhile.

Image used belongs to me.

Thank you for stopping by, till we meet again, this is Amie Geoffrey.













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