Thank you!

Thank you for not making your heart tainted by the adversity you face.
You are one of the rare people with a kind heart



Hey! Don't change that heart for anything in the world,
The world needs more of you,
More of your kindness,
More of your strength,
More of your inner beauty,
More of your cheerfulness.

Everyone is fighting an untold battle,
They need more of your positivity to go on,
Be the light in someone's darkness,
Even when they nudge you,
Keep keeping on.

Let your utterance be kind and gracious,
Even when people seem to be unkind with their utterances,
Be an exception,
Keep being gracious

People seem to forget your best because of one flaw,
Would that change your good heart?
The universe sees your heart,
Keep being kind even when they do not reciprocate.

The world needs more of you!
And I appreciate all you do just to light up someone's world,
Thank you!

Thank you for stopping by, till we meet again, this is Amie Geoffrey.



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