What do you know about ringworms?

You woke up one morning and your skin is itchy, reddish, and scaly. That could be a fungal infection called "Ringworm".


It is a circular rash that leaves your skin patched and scaly. In my country, the Yoruba dialect calls this infection (Lapa-Lapa)😁

Ringworms aren't found only on the skin, they could be found on the scalp too.

It doesn't matter how neat you are, certain things might cause ringworm because it is a fungus in nature. However, poor hygiene increases your chances of having this skin infection.

It's either you have touched an infected animal or object.
You might have shaken or hugged someone with the infection, or your immune system is poor or you've used an infected public utility.

But are there treatments for this skin infection?
The good news is that there are cures for it.
Proper hygiene is one way to mitigate your chances of contracting this infection, using antifungal cream to apply on the affected area.

In my country, I've seen people scratching the surface of this rash for it to bleed, thereby applying treatments on it while the wounds are open to ensure it gets right into the body.
Whatever is been used to scratch the surface is thrown away asap because it can affect another area if used again.

Exposure to sunlight
Most fungal infections do not love sunlight, sunlight is a gift of nature so why not utilize it if you notice this fungal infection on your skin?

Avoid sharing personal items
It's funny how people still share personal items like; towels, socks, and bedspreads, the owners might be a carrier, and sharing these items keeps you at high risk of contracting this skin infection.
Always wash your towel at least once a week and spread them where they get enough air and sunlight, including your underwear and clothing.


Avoid sharing combs too, ringworm could be found on the scalp, get an anti-dandruff cream and wash your hair often.

Eat right
Eating good food that will boost your immune system, and a good diet has been known to keep skin infections at bay. How much do you consume fruits? Fruits rich in vitamin c (orange, cherry) all of these could help to fight that skin infection.

Moisturize your skin
Dry skin could cause a lot of skin infections, always moisturize your skin to leave it radiant and glowing.

Try as much as possible to avoid excessive sweating, and bathe regularly too.

There is a natural therapy for this infection.

The use of garlic has been known to treat ringworm too.
When you peel the clove and grind it and then apply the juice on the affected area, it helps the healing process as garlic is known for its antifungal properties.

And ensure you see your healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Thank you for stopping by, till we meet again, this is Amie Geoffrey.



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