What you should know about your skin health.

I started to observe that the kind of laundry detergent we use on our outfits has a huge role to play on our skin, would you also believe that?

Have you ever noticed someone with acne on the chest?

This condition is called irritative contact dermatitis and is a very frequent cause of medical consultation. It is a condition in which the skin becomes inflamed, with a burning sensation, pain, heat, sometimes itching, redness and flaking of the skin as a result of abrasive agents, mainly associated with detergents, soaps and chemicals. This is an allergic dermatitis, which should be treated by a physician. To avoid relapses, prevention is essential, avoiding contact with the conditioning and generating agent. -Dr. Marliour


Or have you experienced hand peeling after using a type of soap?

This brings us to how we care for our skin.

The skin is a very delicate organ of the body and must be cared for appropriately.

Regular bathing
It's not just about bathing but it is about bathing regularly and using the right soap for your skin.

It is advisable to bathe at least twice daily. This is to wash off excess oil and sweat from the skin, providing it an avenue to breathe.

To avoid chest acne here is what I found out.

Sugary food increases your chance of having chest acne.
It is advisable to reduce carbonated drinks and refined sugar for smooth skin.

The skin needs more protein and veggies.

Soap choice and body spray choice
Harsh laundry soap increases your chances of having chest acne. So choose mild laundry soaps.

Harsh body spray too is another cause of chest acne plus dehydration.

Once you notice any change in your skin after using a certain laundry soap or bathing soap, you should change it asap.

Too much skincare product damages your skin
In our quest to have glowing skin we might want to try out any skin care product that looks too good to be true, mind you those are chemicals and has a side effect.
In time they begin to damage your skin and skin cells thus making your skin wrinkle sooner or later.

I know all of these because I have nurses who are very close to me and I learn every day from them.

How I care for my skin.

I do not wash my face with medicated soap because it seems to be too harsh for my face.
I feel medicated soaps should be used only on a recommendation because too much use of them affects the skin. It leaves the skin parched and sometimes blocks the skin's pores.

Soap with natural ingredients seems way better, for me, I use a soap that has honey, palm kernel oil, cocoa pod ash, shea butter, Lime juice, and lemon juice. It has no artificial preservatives or color. It is called the "Black soap"

And I use a very soft sponge on my face, I do not scrub harshly, I pamper my face a lot while bathing.

I avoid bleaching creams
In the part of the country I come from, they believe being black is unattractive.
So about 80% love to bleach their skin to boost their self-esteem or to feel they are attractive.

I noticed that most people who bleach have some sort of body odor, aside from that they are prone to cancer as they have removed the upper layer of their skin in the quest to become attractive.
This is a risky thing to do, so I'll advise you to love your natural skin and nurture it, trust me whatever skin you have is beautiful if you care for it.

I avoid sunburns
The rays from the sun aren't so good on your skin, as much as possible I try my best to avoid walking under the scorching sun and if I must do, I ensure I wear clothes that would cover up my skin properly and I ensure I moisturize my skin before going to bed.

Whatever body cream or face lotion that suits your skin you choose to apply at night work faster than the one applied during the day time because you hardly sweat, your body is relaxed the room temperature is often calm which makes it more effective.
I have tried it and it works like magic.

For me, I apply my cream at night, it leaves my skin soft, healthy, and smooth.

I avoid popping my pimple
Pimples aren't only found on the face, wherever it is found, I resist the urge to pop them because they end up giving me blackheads, I rather wash my face often since pimples are a sign of bacteria.

Staying hydrated cannot be over-emphasized

I drink a lot of water, this is my skincare routine.
When I'm up from bed, and almost every time, I drink enough water.

Water is a natural therapy for glowing skin.


I avoid hot showers
This is because I noticed, having a hot bath affects my skin, it leaves my skin dry, I guess it's because a hot shower has the power to remove so much oil from the skin which isn't good for the skin.

Here in Nigeria, we suffer from sandflies and mosquito bites.
They end up leaving dark spots on our skin, so what I do is wear pop socks while I'm outdoors in my compound and long sleeve clothing, because I don't want to have dark spots on any part of my body.

Being extra careful
One can never be too careful as unforeseen circumstances are bound to happen, but at least I try my best to limit injuries that could end up leaving scars on my skin, like staying away from sharp objects, I try as much as possible to avoid fighting and naked wires.

A breath of fresh air
Your skin needs air to glow just like humans need air to survive, so I ensure my room is well-ventilated to avoid heat rashes and I ensure I wear appropriate clothing for each season, light clothing for the hot season, and vice versa.

Thank you for stopping by, till we meet again, this is Amie Geoffrey.



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