There are two sides to a coin.

Immediately I saw this picture I quickly remembered a popular phrase that says... "There are two sides to a coin".

This reminds me to verify every piece of information before broadcasting it.

Wait, a rumor is spreading so fast, do you just believe it without hearing the other side of the story?

Someone brought in an argument, do you just jump to a conclusion without hearing from the other party? This picture shows that there are always two sides to a story, to be a good mediator or "judge", one needs to take  time to listen and understand both sides before making any decision.

It's sad to see people inherit enemies based on what they must have heard from people without listening to the other side of the issue.

This picture reminds me also that there are different perspectives in life, I do not always need to view life from one angle, "weigh each decision alongside their consequences".

There's so much chaos in the world, yes nobody disputes it, however what if you find peace in the chaotic situation?
How do you find peace? Probably by doing the things you love, making your happiness a conscious effort, that's you viewing the problem from another angle rather than dwelling on what will steal your joy away, how about you focusing on things that fill your mind with solace?

Life is a perfect example of two sides of a coin. It has sweet and bitter moments, but one might choose to focus more on the bitter aspect and become a sadist or a pessimist, while the one who focuses on the sweet part of life is happier and an optimist. However, it doesn't stop life from going sweet to sour and then sour to sweet despite the angle you choose to view life.



Now, I want to view this picture from another perspective too.

Just as there are two sides to a coin, there are three sides to a coin! Don't give me that look.

The importance of unity.

One coin, three sides.

We are all important, we are like a different body part that makes a whole.

The head (obverse) doesn't tell the edge and the tail (reverse), I don't need you!
This shows that we are all social beings, nobody was birthed without an origin(family), and we associate in school, work teams, live in society.

Humanity plays a large role in the world today, we all need one another.

The men need the women and vice versa. Even here on the hive, I need you all, I can't post and read my post alone.

I need you just as you need me. (You Gerrit?)

Since we all need one another, we keep spreading love to one another wherever we go. Just as the coin cannot be a coin without the obverse, edge or reverse.

Thank you for stopping by, till we meet again, this is Amie Geoffrey.



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