What if she never called?

So many things went down this week and yes, I paused and reflected.


Firstly, I asked myself. What is life without genuine friends?

It's not even about the number of friends but the quality of the few we have in our corner.

So, last week I was quite under the weather, it started with just the regular headache which I thought was from stress, I decided to rest that day but the headache didn't even stop, it got worse.

The next morning, I had already developed a sore throat, and a severe headache and was catching a cold.

My country has been a mess with the cashless policy, Are you aware we buy money now?

Well, that wasn't even my pain. My pain was the fact that I had money in my bank account but it seemed useless. Why? My bank's network was terrible it wasn't going through, At the outset of my sickness I had managed to visit a pharmacist, but I couldn't purchase a single drug because I had no cash on me since the cash has now become scarce like "true love".

I was very frustrated, that I sat in the pharmacy for over an hour trying to transact with my bank app.

Well, after I had tried and it wasn't going through, I placed my life in God's care and then I headed home.

This is where true friends come in.

Kessie, a friend noticed my absence virtually everywhere, (online, at meetings, and work) so she placed a call across, she deduced from my voice that I was dying.

From that moment, she was uneasy I can beat my chest that Kessie was even more bothered than I was, as she heard the struggle I had gone thru to purchase drugs for myself.

She promised to try her luck to see if she could get me some drugs, by this time it was Sunday. Every store was locked even the pharmacy. However, Kessie kept calling to know how I was feeling even though she hadn't gotten the drugs for me.

By 5 pm, I was almost shivering and feeling weak because I hadn't had any drugs since Friday, no cash on the ground, bank app wasn't going through.

At about 6 pm on Sunday, I heard a knock at my door, it was Kessie, she had gotten drugs for me, and she couldn't use her bank app, but she called someone else to make the transfer to the pharmacist on her behalf and luckily it went thru.

These drugs cost her about $2 (1500 NGN), and though it was not the complete drugs I needed, they went a long way.

Immediately, I shed a tear, " Kessie, saved my life", it looks simple, after all, she's a friend, however, not all friends would sacrifice this much for you.

Then I thought of what would have become of me if she didn't come through for me.

What if she never called? What if she never cared?

I reflected on how much we all need one another, and how much true friendship is really important.

I for one, do not have a sea of people as friends, they are very few, but then I put in so much effort to make us work, I show so much kindness and empathy to my friends and maybe that was why God blessed me the best kind of people as friends though few.

Another thing I reflected the importance of communication, I am a very active and social person, if I am silent or cold, people will notice.

Do I take my time to check up on people too? When someone who seems active on social media stops being active, do I just overlook or take a moment to reach out to them? My call might be a saving grace or a lift to their soul.

I've come to realize that it's the simple things we do that count, "Not the big things."

A simple call, a random text, an encouraging word, a smile, a cheer, a word of prayer, just going out of our way to show we care, and a little effort are the small things that count.

I paused and reflected on how much, I need to spread love especially now.

I reflected on the need to be friendly and social.

I've heard friends saying, "If she/he doesn't call me, I wouldn't call her too", and then I ask myself, is this true friendship? Is it supposed to be a competition?

The need to be a nice and sweet soul because one day, all the goodwill find its way back to you.

Then I reflected on how much we underrate the essence of being healthy, as much as I love to eat, I had food but I couldn't eat(loss of appetite and sore throat), and as much I hate being idle, I couldn't work (lack of strength).

I have just fully recovered, I can say there's just a tiny line between life and death, and in times of pain, we would know who truly has our best interest at heart.

I can also say that Love is an action word, we back the words with our actions. You say you care about someone, do you show you truly care?

I hope to surprise my friend with something beautiful as soon as I feel even stronger, just to show gratitude for her act of kindness. Because 'Gratitude is everything".


I and Kessie.

God bless you my pumpkin as I fondly call her.

All other images used are mine except the thumbnail.

Thank you for stopping by, till we meet again, this is Amie Geoffrey.



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