The beauty and fear of being pregnant.


It's every woman's dream to have a child of her own when the time is right, I see pregnancy as a gift from God and a miracle. Pregnancy is a beautiful feeling because when one is pregnant, people tend to be nicer to them and more cautious when they are around pregnant women, not to stress them or cause them emotional or physical pain.

It feels good to have a mini you inside of you and the gift of bonding with the little one inside of you. I have also heard that pregnancy improves a woman's immune system, don't know how true it is.

However, I've heard several fearful stories about what pregnancy does to the body which sometimes scares me.

The body changes, I've seen women who were pregnant with swollen legs, big noses, and crazy food cravings, need I tell you my friend sniffs fuel when she was pregnant, I kept wondering why she will do that.

It was what she craved during those periods, even after eating she would sniff fuel and it was weird to me.

How about the pangs? I've always wondered what it feels like to have a baby kick you right in your stomach, I also see them scratching their stomach too badly, I heard it's the hair of the baby that itches them.

I would love to be pregnant someday but, these experiences scare me.

• Cramps due to the weight gain of the baby.

• Sleeplessness, during the third trimester, I fear being restless and having problems with my sleep.

• Picky eating, I don't know the kind of food I'll crave during pregnancy, it might be a weird combination and I might end up not liking my favorite meals no more.

• Allergies to certain foods especially the ones you used to like before pregnancy, is one of my fear.

I also fear spitting everywhere, it irritates me, so I might end up irritating others with the way I might be spitting, eh ooo.

•Body changes, stretch marks, acne, eczema, and mood swings. Sometimes I wonder how big my stomach might be when I'm pregnant.

• Sleeping on a particular position, the sides, which is often not comfortable, having to sleep on one particular position. Ha! I enjoy sleeping on my stomach or my back, but this time I will be sleeping on the sides for months.

• Labour pains, many have explained this pain to be excruciating pain, menstrual cramps do not even come close.

•Expansion of the vagina to fit a human head, I'm so scared of how the human head will come out of the vagina, I mean how? The doctors will even dip their hands right inside to bring the baby out.

• Tear of the vagina, I heard of a woman who had tears during childbirth and how painful it is.

•After birth aches and pains, heavy breasts, and pain during breastfeeding. Hair loss and afterbirth depression are all that I'm scared of.

Regardless, I would love to experience what it feels like, I guess that makes me woman enough.

 Motherhood is such a priceless journey.

Thank you for stopping by, till we meet again, this is Amie Geoffrey.



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