Game Of A Hustler.


Photo by @wakeupkitty

Sweet is the sleep of a lazy man,
A little more sleep and slumber,
He gradually falls into the wicked hands of poverty...
A man who lacks ambition,
Has no plan.

A hustler I am,
I hit the road every day,
Whether it is raining or sunny,
I go again.

The city never sleeps,
Even on public holidays,
Being an entrepreneur,
I gotta hit the road again.

Sleepy eyed,
Tired bones,
Yet, I remind myself of the prize ahead.
So I rise!!

Every day comes with a new mindset,
Winning is a must!
New goals to smash.
Focused, as I drive..
Today I go again!

I give it my best or nothing,
As each day breaks,
I rise with focus and faith,
Hoping my hard work pays off.
I am not quitting this hustling game,
Because I am a Fighter, strong and Capable.

I am confident my hard work will pay off soon.
Lord, I Go again..
Bless this day O' thee.
That I may smile and conquer at the end of the day.

Thank you for stopping by, till we meet again, this is Amie Geoffrey.



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