
Thirty minutes ago, I would have been six feet beneath the ground if not for divine intervention.

It was exactly thirty minutes past 1 in the afternoon when I left home for the market to buy some groceries, toiletries, and other items that I would need for the weekend.

The last person I spoke to on the phone before leaving the house was my sister, who reminded me to buy some waist beads for her as she had outgrown hers. We spoke for just thirty seconds, after which I wore my favorite Denim Jacket and black shorts, and so I left home for the market.

I headed to Joel Market, a popular market in town. This market has various sections where different items are being sold. Since I wanted to buy toiletries, groceries, and waist beads, I walked straight to G Plaza.

I picked up the items I needed and headed to the cashier to pay, which I did. On my way out, I stumbled on these fine sets of lingerie, and I decided to check them out. "How much do you sell them for?" I asked the woman selling, as she looked a bit distracted.

I tapped her to get her attention, and then I asked again. "Madam, how much do you sell them for?" "Three for two thousand naira", she answered and looked away.

I dropped my bag of groceries and toiletries to pick the finest set of lingerie. "Oh, these are very beautiful", I whispered. The one I loved most had three beautiful colors in it: white, royal blue, and rose pink. This lingerie looked fancy and classy. "I'll surely flaunt these in front of my baby sister, haha," I told the woman selling them. "Buy some for her now," a voice behind me uttered. I turned around to see who it was; it was an unfamiliar face who stood behind me. Maybe she too wanted to buy some lingerie. I smiled at her as I responded "I already, bought her her favorite, waist beads".

I selected the lingerie I needed and paid for it. Unknowingly to me, some other lingerie that I didn't pay for fell right into my shopping bag, but when I noticed it, it was when I was about to withdraw some money at the POS a few meters away from the place I bought the lingerie. "Oh no! I should return it asap!", I told the Guy at the POS booth. I quickly collected my money and headed back to the market when I saw an angry mob heading my way.


Can you identify her if you see her?" One of them, who looked really mean, asked. "Yes, I think she's wearing black shorts and a denim jacket", two people chorused. My heart skipped instantly when I heard that. I managed to take two steps backward and suddenly began to shake like a leaf. Every muscle in my body screamed at me to flee for my life, but I was paralyzed with fear on the spot. I tried so hard not to breathe, but I knew that was just impossible to do. At this point, my life flashed right before my eyes. "Say your last prayer; they are coming for you", my instinct whispered. Every breath of wind was as loud as a blood-curdling scream in my terrified mind that a passerby could hear since they were just a stone's throw away from me. I summoned the courage to ask, "Are you looking for me?"

Immediately, the angry-looking mobs surrounded me "You thief!" their leader screamed. I fell on my knees and pleaded, "No, I am not a thief; I was about to head to the market to return the lingerie when I saw you all", "Liar!", a lady from the group responded.

"She's not lying; she showed me the lingerie that fell into her bag a few minutes ago and that she wanted to return, a familiar voice uttered. As I looked up, it was the guy from the POS booth. I took a deep breath of relief. "At least I have a witness now," I managed to utter.

"And that is your saving grace!", the leader snapped back. He nodded as a sign for others to stay calm. I brought out the lingerie, stretched my hands toward him, and handed it to him. "Please take it." In about a few seconds, they all disappeared into thin air.

"Thank you so much. I am Diana. I will never forget this day and how you saved my life."

"Oh, that's nothing; I am Kaycee, and I am glad I could help."

I hadn’t noticed the goosebumps creeping on my arms until now. Kaycee offered me bottled water to calm my nerves, after which I caught my breath for about fifteen minutes, and then I left for home.

It took me fifteen minutes to be home, and at exactly thirty minutes past three, I was home. I felt safe and brought out my diary to write down my ordeal because thirty minutes ago, I would have been six feet beneath the ground if not for divine intervention.

"Dear Diary.......

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Thank you for stopping by, till we meet again, this is Amie Geoffrey.



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